I am glad you came to this article because it says to me that you are interested in learning a little more about foosball.
I want to share with you tips and tricks, fun fact and useful pieces of advice because that is the best way to figure out what foosball really is.
I have covered the foosball topic from its beginning when it was not more than a box of matches to today’s most interesting Foosball Championships.
Foosball History – Who Invented Foosball?
Actually, no one can say with 100% certainty that foosball was invented in this or that country or who invented foosball. What I absolutely love about foosball is the fact that we can honestly say it was invented in 3 different countries simultaneously. Those countries are the United Kingdom, France, and Spain and it all happened around 1923-1937 which is a pretty short period. Men behind those great inventions were brilliant and they did that to help children in need or their family.
It is hard to determine the real “father of foosball” because we don’t have many facts about the topic. But, there is one man who made a patent for the game and you can check out the patent with the drawings you can see on the picture above. If you are more interested in the patent itself, check it out on the site of the European Patent Office. If you are more interested about the entire foosball history timeline, read my post about who invented foosball.
Foosball Table Evolution
The first idea of a table football game was actually made from a box of matches. The first table was a simple wooden table with steel rods and players on the field. There were no special additions that will improve your game.
The overall design stayed the same, but the performance improved a lot since the beginning.
From simple wooden foosball tables, we have upgraded to amazing games with counterbalanced players, side bumps, stress-resistant cabinets, and high-performance steel rods so you can say that we have come pretty far with foosball table development.
What Is Foosball Game?
Is foosball a sport?
Foosball is one of the most intense game tables in the world. It is a game table and people are debating whether it can be considered as the sport. That is an interesting topic because there are foosball tournaments all over the world and there are professional players.
The correct term you can use for foosball is a game table because that is what it is. It is a table with the cabinet filled with players rods on the playing surface. The only way you can move the players is with rods – left and right and spin. Foosball players are divided into 2 teams, the main goal of the game is to score the goal to the opposite team. It may sound easy, but it can be really tricky and that is the reason why it is so addictive.
What is a Foosball Table/Table Football?
If you aren’t sure whether you have heard about foosball until now, you may know it under a different table football game name. Foosball is also called table football, table soccer, baby football but they all mean the same – the game played on the table with rods and players mounted to those rods.
Ready for foosball?
Depending on the size and the type of a foosball table, there can be 2, 4 or even more players. The most common combination is 2 and 4 so I will stick to that. A foosball field consists of 4 playing rods on each side of the table, 8 in total. The playing field is designed to look like a soccer field and players on the foosball table are distributed accordingly.
Players can’t move up and down the field, but they can move right and left. You use the rods to control the player’s movement and to kick the ball. They are distributed in the attack and defense positions which means you have to play both. You have to protect your goal and attack the opponents. When there are 2 teams with 4 players in total, 2 players (opposite) play attack and 2 play defense.
There are two goals on each side of the table and two teams on the playing field. The main goal of the game is to score to your opponent. Above each goal is a scoring system used to keep track of the goals for both teams. As you can see, the game is a lot like soccer and that is why it is also known as table soccer.
There are a lot of different foosball table types made for different types of players. You can be a beginner, a hobby player or even a professional foosball player. Every type of table is made for a special type of player and you can choose your table based on your preferences and skills.
For example, beginners and kids don’t have to buy the best quality foosball table, but hobby players and professional players need a better quality table because they see the differences in gameplay. Things like the size of the table, playing surface, rods, foosball balls, and even players can affect your gameplay. The quality of every part of a foosball table brings special characteristic to the game. But, that is something I will share with you later in the article so stay tuned.
Foosball Championships
Since there are foosball tables for professionals, there has to be a foosball championship as well. Championships are located all over the world and they vary from local tournaments, thought state and continent tournaments and eventually the World Championships.
Every regular competition is held on special foosball tables with special rules as I have mentioned it above. There is only a handful of tables used in those competitions and they are approved by ITSF. The ITSF or also known as the International Table Soccer Federation chose 5 brands and the official foosball brands for tournaments – Bonzini, Garlando, Roberto Sport, Tornado, and Leonhart.
There are few other brands which are approved by ITSF but aren’t official – Warrior, Rosengart, Jupiter, Fireball, and Metegol. They are suitable for national competitions as well. The tables have to be almost perfect to satisfy the best foosball players.
Tables made for Foosball Championships are top quality tables and if you want to play on the best of the best, I suggest you take a look at the brands approved by ITSF.
Foosball Tips and Tricks you need to know
What is a Proper Foosball Layout?
There is no simple explanation for this question because there is no proper foosball layout. I know that foosball players are connected to rods and you can’t move them, but what I wanted to say is that there are 2 proper foosball layouts, not one.
The first foosball player layout is the 1-man goalie configurations and it is common for European foosball tables and players. In the 1-man goalie, the goalkeeper has its own rod, meaning it is alone on the last rod in front of the goal. That configuration is made for players who want to improve their skill and strategy. Also, it is a configuration which suits a slower foosball match.
The second foosball layout is the 3-man goalie configuration. The 3-man goalie is common for American foosball tables and players. That configuration means that the goalie isn’t alone on the last rod. The goalie has one player on each side of the road so there are 3 players in front of the goal. The match with the 3-man goalie configuration is faster and more intense. Players who play with the 3-man goalie configuration are the ones who prefer a faster and more intense game with many goals.
Now, that is not all I can say about the foosball layout, so if you are interested to learn more about it, visit my article about Foosball Table and Players Layout.
Foosball Attack and Defense Strategies
Playing foosball means a lot more than just spinning the rods and hoping the ball will enter the goal. There are strategies and tricks you can learn to improve your attack and defense. You don’t have to be a professional to know a few simple tricks because they are easy to lean.
To improve your attack you can learn tricks which will help you score your opponent. If you ask a professional player which trick is the best to learn they will all agree it is a Snake Shot. That trick is simple to learn and it helps you understand the no spinning rule. The point of Snake Shot is to hit the ball fast and legal, without spinning the rods.
When the ball is in front of your player you have to put your writs on the handle of the rod with the player and the ball. Then you have to quickly pull your hand up until your palm reaches the handle. That will cause the player to move quickly but it won’t make a full circle.
The basic defense strategy is simple. You have to move your players, don’t let them on the same spot for a long time because that gives the opportunity for your opponent to score. You can move them a little bit, it doesn’t have to be a big movement, but make then move. Another thing you need to do is to make sure that you cover the entire playing field. Don’t put the players one behind the other because you will have free spaces – holes in the defense.
Those basic tips will help you focus on both defense and offense on the foosball field and when you figure them out it is easy to improve your skill.
Foosball Rules
Like every other game on the planet, foosball has rules. Now, there is a difference between the professional match and the match against you and your family. Due to that, the rules are different too. Rules for a professional match are more serious and detailed because we are talking about a serious foosball, not a match you can play with your family in your living room or game room.
Professional foosball has a set of rules which tells you to use your skill and strategy to win the game and not force. There are more categories of professional set of foosball rules and some of them are about the start of the match, when the ball is in play, how to call a timeout, how to spin the rods – what is allowed and what is not, how you should dress and how the table should look like. As you can see they have a special set of rules for every foosball situation from the beginning to the end of the match. That is completely OK because we are talking about professional foosball.
Now, what about hobby players? You don’t want to have so many stick guidelines when you are playing foosball with your family or friends. Due to that, I have made a set of rules for hobby players. That kind of rules hangs on the wall in the local bars, game rooms and other places where people play foosball.
I don’t want to get into details but I want to share with you a few most famous rules for both hobby and professional foosball match.
One of the most famous rules in foosball is no spinning the rods. Hobby players often spin the rods 360° because it is easier to score but that move is illegal in the real tournament match and it should be illegal in hobby matches because it takes all the fun away.
Another famous rule is about the ball. The ball has to be served from the middle of the field and you have to wait a couple of seconds before you start kicking the ball.
Scoring the goal has simple rules and regulations. If you see that the ball has entered the goal – you scored. If you see that the ball has entered but returned to the playing field – it is also considered as the goal.
The rules are here because every game has to have some sort of guidelines. They are here to help you have fun (especially during hobby matches) so try to play according to them. If you want to see the list of rules, visit my post about foosball rules.
Which Foosball Brands are good?
I am not sure if you know, but there are more than 300 different foosball table models on the market right now. That means that there are a lot of foosball table brands. Most of them are OK, but there are few which can be considered as the best of the best.
When you find out about foosball brands and their models you will realize that they have a pattern in their production which remains the same. Some brands like Rene Pierre are using the same foosball table design. Kick foosball table brand uses the same features on most of their tables and Tornado brand uses the same high-quality materials + high foosball table price.
Knowing a thing or two about foosball brands will help you determine which foosball table is yours because you will realize that some brands use high-quality materials, while other brands use average materials.

Foosball Table Types
There are different types of foosball tables on the market because their characteristics can be combined in numerous combinations. Every combination is not good for you which means you have to pick a special combination which suits your needs best. To do that, you have to be aware what those combinations are and how can you combine them.
Here I will show you what are the differences you have to keep in mind when you are looking for a foosball table for you:
Best Foosball Table for Home and Office
Carrom Signature
KICK Legend
Hathaway Primo
Folding Foosball Table
Garlando Open Air
Hathaway Gladiator
KICK Monarch
Combo Foosball Table
Multi Game Table
IFOYO 4 in 1 Combo
Multi Game Tabletop
Foosball Tabletop
Harvil Tabletop
Sport Squad FX40
Tabletop Table
Commercial Foosball Table
Tornado T-3000 Coin
Great American Coin-Op
Tournament Foosball Table
Tornado T3000
Warrior Professional
Shelti Pro Foos II
The Size Of The Table
Tournament sized foosball table has foosball table dimensions decided by the International Table Soccer Federation (ITSF). Standard size foosball tables are pretty big and most kids can’t see the field or grab the 1st and the 4th rod on one side.
Due to that, there are more kid-friendly foosball table game models, which are smaller and made especially for children. We can call them kids foosball tables and tabletops. The foosball tabletop is the smallest foosball table, which actually isn’t a table because it doesn’t have legs. The main advantage of tabletops is the fact that you can put them on the table or on the bed. When you are done playing you can always pick it up and put it in your closet or under your bed.
Foosball table Parts
The most important characteristics any foosball table has are listed below. This guide will help you see the difference between heavy and light foosball table, playing field and even foosball players. After this guide, you will know the difference and you will be able to understand why one foosball table is made like it is.
Foosball Construction
The most important foosball table part is the cabinet. The cabinet is the heart of the foosball table and it needs to be durable. The most common material used in making a foosball table cabinet is wood and MDF. Wood is more expensive material but it is more durable and provides better gameplay. When you are playing on a wooden foosball table you can feel that it is heavy, stable and it can withstand the most intense matches.
MDF is another common material used in making a foosball table cabinet but it is a more affordable piece, which also means less quality. It is not as heavy nor durable as wooden foosball tables but it can provide you pretty good gaming experience. The main advantage of MDF cabinets is the price. They are affordable and they can last for some time so most foosball tables made for families are made from MDF.
The least quality foosball cabinets are made from plastic. Plastic is light, soft and not so durable and due to that, it is recommended to stay away from plastic foosball tables. The only way a plastic foosball table is good if it is made with special extra-hard plastic. Those foosball tables are high-quality foosball tables and they may be expensive but they are worth every penny you give for them.
Foosball playing field
The foosball playing field is the most interesting part of a foosball table. WIthout a good foosball field, the foosball wouldn’t’ make any sense. Due to that, I want to teach you things you need to know about the foosball playing field.
The most important characteristic of a playing field has to have is a smooth playing surface. You can’t play foosball on bumps and holes and those things are forbidden. The playing surface has to be 100% smooth so you can utilize its entire surface.
Graphics on the playing field are a common thing and every foosball table has them. It doesn’t matter if they are soccer field lines, logos of the foosball brand or some random cartoons each and every graphic has to have one thing in common. They have to be screen printed on the field. If you buy a foosball table with stickers, the stickers will eventually peel off and that will create obstacles on the field. To avoid any obstacles in the form of a peel-off sticker – avoid stickers on the field.
Don’t forget the fact that you can adjust the playing field to your game style. The easiest way to do that is to pick the right material for the field. For example, the wooden surface is great for slow matches and plastic (the great quality one) and tempered glass are perfect for fast-paced games.
Foosball Players, Handles And Rods
Rods are used to control the players and best quality rods are made from steel. There are two types of rods – the solid ones and the hollow ones. Every rod has to have a handle on the end so you can grab it and control the player.
Handles, just like rods, can be made from different material and most common materials used are wood, plastic, and rubber. Rubber is the best materials for the handles because it is not slippery, but you can easily fix the wooden and plastic handles. The best way to do that is to avoid all smooth handles because those are the ones which are slippery.
Players are the most important part of a foosball table and they can also be different. We have a robotic player’s design and traditional ones and each of them has its pros and cons. Another difference you have to be aware of is if they are counterbalanced or nd ordinary players. Today, most foosball table players are counterbalanced and that is a must-have feature for every foosball table.
Foosball players, handles, and rods are part of the foosball table you can control during the match. There are other foosball table parts which are surrounding and connecting those 3 and if you are eager to learn about them, check this page.
Foosball additional parts – improving the gameplay
In the few paragraphs above we have covered every foosball table part in and around the foosball cabinet and I want to share with you 2 interesting parts below the cabinet – on the legs.
Foosball table has to be sturdy and to do that, it has to have thick and stable legs. Most foosball tables have square legs which are thick enough to withstand all the intense gameplay going on in the cabinet. But, you can never be too stable and due to that, some foosball tables have additional bars or panels between the legs. Those bars and panels are improving the stability which is pretty important.
Leg levelers are also pretty important, especially when it comes to the playing surface. Their main purpose is to provide 100% straight surface no matter how uneven the floor below the table is. Most foosball tables have them and I dare to say that they are one of the must-have features of every foosball table.
How to maintain your foosball table?
I always say that foosball tables have to be durable and have to withstand the most intense gameplay because those things are crucial to the game. But, that doesn’t mean foosball tables are indestructible. You have to maintain them as much as any other piece of furniture or game table.
The best way to maintain a foosball table is to keep it clean and the best way to do that is to use special products for foosball tables. The most common product that will keep your foosball table nice and clean is a foosball table cover. You can simply cover the table when you aren’t using it and the playing field along with the foosball players is protected underneath.
Maintaining a foosball table doesn’t have to be a hassle you have to do every week, they are not that sensitive, but from time to time you have to dedicate half an hour to clean the game table. What can you do to keep your table in mint condition you can read in my post about Foosball Table Maintenance.
Conclusion: How to Pick The Right Foosball Table?
I have covered the most important foosball table parts and you can easily pick the foosball table for your or your family. If you look for a high-quality foosball table, check out my post about the best foosball tables on the market separated in different categories so you can be absolutely sure that you will find the one you are looking for. Also, check out the Kick foosball table brand because their models have a great price-to-quality ratio and most of them come with a lifetime warranty.